What We Do


Preventive child protection in communities

Recognizing the district as a hub where multiple systems and public services converge, Leher has incubated a 3-5 year modular program where it will work in close partnership with local administration and NGOs at the district level, in risk ridden communities. Research shows that one of the best ways to prevent child abuse and neglect before it starts is by building child-friendly communities. We believe that communities do have the capacity to find solutions to protect their children. Especially, in relation to chronic problems that include child labour and child marriage, they are willing to make a change if supported by suitable options.

Leher aims to develop a local community engagement program that prevents children from being abused or exploited. Over a 5 year period, Leher aims to incubate a program to equip communities with awareness, understanding of their situation, skills to mobilize themselves, demand and monitor child protection.

Strengthening existing child protection systems

While comprehensive laws for child protection have been enacted, they remain lacking in implementation. Services for children are limited, inaccessible and lack quality. Leher builds on the existing by assessing laws and services for loopholes, and looks for feasible solutions to tackle issues. We do this by undertaking research, training and evaluation.

Building a culture of child protection

The ability to protect children goes hand in hand with changes in policies, social structures, public dialogue and cultural norms that cause and reinforce various forms of child abuse, exploitation and violations. It is important to demonstrate that violation of children’s right to protection is not about oppression and violence in distant rural India or restricted to urban fringes but is intrinsic to how children are treated at home, in school, institutions and in the community.

Leher therefore believes that the State is not the one responsible for child rights – everybody is. Therefore while our programs are geographically focused, our messages are targeted at multiple constituencies- communities in our program areas, parents, young people, who are tomorrow’s decision makers, community-based groups, civil society organizations, state agencies and private corporations.

Our messages are geared towards creating greater knowledge and understanding of children’s issues, towards nurturing alert and responsive communities. Our strategy is to catalyze changes in social norms and attitudes towards the protection and safety of children by encouraging collective thinking, interpersonal and public dialogue.

Leher aims to make child protection everybody’s business.