#ItTakesAVillage: These 8 Films Show How We Can Strengthen Community Led Child Protection
1 year in the making
30+crew members
One Mission: To strengthen community- led child protection and ensure safe childhoods for our children.
Creating space for communities to be protagonists in their own journeys of change, using local culture-folklore, language and humour, the 8 films help to break down complex child protection issues into simple yet relatable scenarios. The first four films help build perspective on childhood and child rights, laws of children, child protection problems in the village, role and responsibilities of VCPC.
The fifth and the sixth film talk about the functional aspects of setting up a VCPC and conducting effective VCPC meetings.
The seventh and the eight film are about building skills to create Alert Communities and Coming Together for Justice.
The films demonstrate that no problem is too big to solve if a community is prepared to come together to understand, think and do-it-themselves.
Let's Set Up Village Child Protection Committees! -
The Role And Work Of VCPC -
Child Protection Problems In Our Village -
Let's Understand Childhood And Child Rights -
What's In The Laws Of Children -
Effective Meetings Of Village Child Protection Committees -
Building Watchful And Alert Communities -
Together For Justice